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Palette CAD Sanitär & FliesePalette CAD Sanitär & Fliese
Palette CAD Sanitär & Fliese

Palette CAD is the multipurpose software for 3D bathroom design

The 3D-Software for bathrooms & tiling


Do you want to design bathrooms in detail and sell them successfully? As a bathroom planner in the sanitary, heating, and air-conditioning industry, you must find the best way to meet a wide range of customer requirements in terms of functionality, design, and budget. Planning should be quick, and the results should be impressive. With Palette CAD, you work consistently and efficiently, from measuring to the realization of your customers' dream bathrooms. Focus entirely on your sanitary work and creative bathroom design, and benefit from intuitive 3D planning, impressive presentations, and precise implementation.

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Sa­ve time

In­crease your tur­no­ver

Im­press your cus­to­mers

From me­a­su­ring to plan­ning to pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Palette CAD sa­ves you va­luable time at every step.

Use the la­test pre­sen­ta­ti­on tech­ni­ques to boost sa­les and se­cu­re high-va­lue or­der.

Be­ne­fit from the power of 3D vi­sua­li­sa­ti­on and turn your ide­as in­to a di­gi­tal ex­pe­ri­ence.

Icon Zeit

Sa­ve time

From me­a­su­ring to plan­ning to pre­sen­ta­ti­on, Palette CAD sa­ves you va­luable time at every step.

Icon Umsatz

In­crease your tur­no­ver

Use the la­test pre­sen­ta­ti­on tech­ni­ques to boost sa­les and se­cu­re high-va­lue or­der.

Icon Kundenbegeisterung

Im­press your cus­to­mers

Be­ne­fit from the power of 3D vi­sua­li­sa­ti­on and turn your ide­as in­to a di­gi­tal ex­pe­ri­ence.

From Con­sul­ta­ti­on to the Dream Bath­room

Com­ple­te all steps of your bath­room de­sign and ti­l­ing pro­jects in one pro­gram:

  1. Im­pres­si­ve: High-end pho­to­rea­lism
  2. Di­ver­se: Ex­ten­si­ve ma­te­ri­al ca­ta­logs
  3. Com­pre­hen­si­ve: Ori­gi­nal bath­room de­sign da­ta
  4. Up-to-date: In­te­gra­ti­on of mas­ter da­ta
  5. Ful­ly equip­ped: Ti­l­ing tech­no­lo­gy
  6. Simp­le: Con­fi­gu­ra­tors
  7. Prac­ti­cal: Ex­po­sé
  8. Au­to­ma­tic: Parts lists
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Modern BathroomOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
1. Visualize with a click: No extra software or image editing needed.
Sinks created with Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
2. Naturally looking materials bring your planning to life.
Surface of Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
3. Over 500 manufacturer catalogs support you in bathroom planning.
Bathtub in Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
4. Always have the latest information readily available.
Tiles with Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
5. Tiling is an art – here you’ll find the perfect tools.
BathroomOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
ConfiguratorsOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
6. Configurators assist with level-access showers, wall panels, and more.
Perfect rooms with Palette CADOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
7. Quickly create an exposé, including a floor plan and elevation drawing
Part ListOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
8. Automatically generate adjustable parts lists for the ERP software.
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Modern Bathroom
Sinks created with Palette CAD
Surface of Palette CAD
Bathtub in Palette CAD
Tiles with Palette CAD
Perfect rooms with Palette CAD
Part List
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Portrait Gerti Strobel Mundle GmbH

„Customers want to see how spaces will be divided and experience colours and lighting for themselves – and they love it when I can show them all of that so early on.”

Gerti Strobel, bathroom expert

Numbers and Figures


Sanitary objects


Tile data


weeks update cycle

Our strong part­ners

Wi­th Palette CAD, you have di­rect ac­cess to the pro­ducts and ori­gi­nal da­ta from the lea­ding brands in the HVAC in­dus­try, such as:

gc gruppe
Villeroy & Boch

Want to know what Palette CAD can do?

Let us show you!

NEW: Palette Rooms makes plan­ning and sa­les ea­sier

Ea­sier to start, ea­sier to plan, ea­sier to con­vin­ce - Palette Rooms makes it ea­sier than ever for bath­room plan­ners to en­ter the world of 3D plan­ning.

Find out now about Palette Rooms and the be­ne­fits for your busi­ness.

Find out more

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