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Pre­cise ma­nu­fac­tu­ring wi­th Palette CAM

Seam­less­ly trans­fer 3D de­sign da­ta to the CNC ma­chi­ne wi­th Palette CAM

Make the da­ta you ge­ne­ra­te go fur­ther wi­th Palette CAM, the in­ter­face bet­ween de­sig­ning and ma­nu­fac­tu­ring which makes da­ta trans­fer ea­sier than you think by trans­fer­ring the full CAD da­ta from your dra­wing straight to the CNC ma­chi­ne. Whe­ther you’re a car­pen­ter, joi­ner or shop fit­ter, the Palette CAM soft­ware add-on makes your ma­nu­fac­tu­ring se­quen­ces run smooth­ly from start to fi­nish. From your desk to the work­shop, Palette CAM is the lo­gi­cal so­lu­ti­on that lets you get on wi­th the job you love.

Markus Linnemann Palette CAD, Palette CAM

Any ques­ti­ons?

I’m hap­py to help!

Mar­kus Lin­ne­mann

Get a quote now
Hintergrundbild Palette CAD

CAD and CAM soft­ware: the per­fect com­bi­na­ti­on

The Palette CAM soft­ware makes wood­wor­king ea­sier and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent. Hand in hand wi­th Palette CAD, this cle­ver add-on helps your ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess run mo­re smooth­ly.

Palette CAM for ea­sier, op­ti­mi­sed wood­wor­king:

  • In­tui­ti­ve to use
  • Sui­ta­ble for any ma­chi­ne en­vi­ron­ment
  • Prepa­re and pro­cess com­pon­ents
  • Use wi­th pro­grams op­ti­mi­sed for work­shops
  • Trans­fer da­ta to the WOP-sys­tems of po­pu­lar CNC ma­nufatu­r­ers
  • En­su­re con­tours, ho­les, groo­ves and cuts are ma­de exact­ly as de­si­gned
Holz Hintergrund Palette CAD
CAM Holzverarbeitung Palette CAD
Holz Hintergrund Palette CAD
CAM Holzverarbeitung Palette CAD

CAD and CAM soft­ware: the per­fect com­bi­na­ti­on

The Palette CAM soft­ware makes wood­wor­king ea­sier and mo­re ef­fi­ci­ent. Hand in hand wi­th Palette CAD, this cle­ver add-on helps your ma­nu­fac­tu­ring pro­cess run mo­re smooth­ly.

Palette CAM for ea­sier, op­ti­mi­sed wood­wor­king:

  • In­tui­ti­ve to use
  • Sui­ta­ble for any ma­chi­ne en­vi­ron­ment
  • Prepa­re and pro­cess com­pon­ents
  • Use wi­th pro­grams op­ti­mi­sed for work­shops
  • Trans­fer da­ta to the WOP-sys­tems of po­pu­lar CNC ma­nufatu­r­ers
  • En­su­re con­tours, ho­les, groo­ves and cuts are ma­de exact­ly as de­si­gned

Your in­di­vi­du­al Palette CAM so­lu­ti­on

Our ex­perts will ad­vi­se you on Palette CAD and other soft­ware fea­tures. 

Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD
Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
CAM Arbeitsprozess Palette CAD

Make the most of every pro­ject

Our aim is to make your job a smooth pro­cess from start to fi­nish, from the in­iti­al idea to the fi­nis­hed pro­duct. So Palette CAM is on­ly available in con­junc­tion wi­th our co­re Palette CAD soft­ware. If you’d li­ke to find out how you can op­ti­mi­se your work­flows in your busi­ness, get in touch wi­th us to­day.

Contact us now

Our part­ners

Ma­te­ri­als, fit­tings, com­pon­ents - wi­th Palette CAD, you have di­rect ac­cess to the pro­ducts and ori­gi­nal da­ta from ma­jor names in the wood­wor­king in­dus­try - such as: