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Palette CAD AG
Behl­es­stra­ße 9-11
70329 Stutt­gart

Ess­lin­gen Cus­to­mer Cent­re

Mett­in­ger Stra­ße 133
73728 Ess­lin­gen a.N.

Pho­ne +49 711 9595-0
Fax +49 711 9595-250


Trade Re­gis­ter Stutt­gart 785686
VAT ID No. DE 178416603
Tax no. 99077/00922

SE­PA Cre­di­tor Iden­ti­fier:

Board of Di­rec­tors: Vol­ker Zel­ler (Chair­man), Dirk Böck­stie­gel, El­vis Grabic, Frank Kobs
Chair­man of the Su­per­vi­so­ry Board: Dr.-Ing. Wal­ter Zins­er


Site con­tent

The aut­hor does not ac­cept any lia­bi­li­ty for the in­for­ma­ti­on ma­de available be­ing cor­rect, com­ple­te or up to date. Lia­bi­li­ty claims against the aut­hor re­la­ting to da­ma­ges of a ma­te­ri­al or con­cep­tu­al na­tu­re ari­sing from the use of or fail­ure to use the in­for­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded or from the use of er­ro­n­eous or in­com­ple­te in­for­ma­ti­on are com­ple­te­ly ex­cluded, ex­cept whe­re it can be shown that the­re is in­tent or gross ne­gli­gence on the part of the aut­hor. All of­fers are wi­t­hout sub­ject to al­tera­ti­on and non-bin­ding. The aut­hor re­ser­ves the right, wi­t­hout se­pa­ra­te no­ti­ce, to ch­an­ge, add to or de­le­te parts of the site or the who­le site or to wi­th­draw its pu­bli­ca­ti­on tem­po­r­a­ri­ly or per­ma­nent­ly.


In the ca­se of di­rect or in­di­rect links to other web­sites (“hy­per­links”) that lie out­side the aut­hor’s field of re­spon­si­bi­li­ty, lia­bi­li­ty can on­ly ari­se in the event that the aut­hor has know­ledge of the con­tent and it is bo­th tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble for them and re­asonable to ex­pect them to pre­vent their use should such con­tent be il­le­gal. The aut­hor her­eby ex­press­ly de­cla­res that, at the time the links we­re crea­ted, no il­le­gal con­tent was evi­dent on the lin­ked sites. The aut­hor has no in­fluence whatsoe­ver on the pre­sent or fu­ture form, con­tent or aut­hor­ship of the lin­ked sites. They the­r­e­fo­re here­wi­th ex­press­ly di­stance them­sel­ves from all con­tent of all lin­ked sites that have be­en ch­an­ged sin­ce the links we­re crea­ted. This ap­pli­es for all links crea­ted wi­thin the con­tent of this site and to ent­ries by third par­ties in guest books, dis­cus­sion fo­rums, link di­rec­to­ries, mai­ling lists set up by the aut­hor and in all other forms of da­ta­ba­ses wi­th ex­ter­nal wri­te ac­cess to their con­tent. For il­le­gal, er­ro­n­eous or in­com­ple­te con­tent, and in par­ti­cu­lar for da­ma­ges that ari­se from the use of or fail­ure to use such con­tent, the aut­hor/ow­ner of the tar­get site of the link alo­ne is lia­ble, and not the per­son who me­re­ly makes re­fe­rence to the site wi­th links.

Co­py­right and trade­mark rights

The aut­hor makes every ef­fort in all pu­bli­ca­ti­ons to re­spect the co­py­right of the pic­tures, gra­phics, sound do­cu­ments, vi­deo se­quen­ces and texts or to use their own or li­cence-free pic­tures, gra­phics, sound do­cu­ments, vi­deo se­quen­ces and texts. All brands and trade­marks na­med wi­thin the site that may be sub­ject to third par­ty pro­tec­tion are sub­ject wi­t­hout li­mi­ta­ti­on to the pro­vi­si­ons of the ap­pli­ca­ble trade­mark law and the rights of ow­ner­ship of the re­gis­tered ow­ners. It can­not be con­cluded sim­ply be­cau­se they are na­med that the brands and trade­marks are not pro­tec­ted by the rights of third par­ties! The co­py­right for pu­blished con­tent pro­du­ced by the aut­hor rests wi­th the aut­hor alo­ne. Re­pro­duc­tion or use of such pic­tures, gra­phics, sound do­cu­ments, vi­deo se­quen­ces and texts in other elec­tro­nic or prin­ted pu­bli­ca­ti­ons wi­t­hout the ex­press agree­ment of the aut­hor is not per­mit­ted.


In­so­far as the web­site makes it pos­si­ble to en­ter per­so­nal or busi­ness da­ta (email ad­dres­ses, names, ad­dres­ses), the­se da­ta are ma­de available by user of their own ex­press free will. The use and pay­ment of any ser­vices ma­de available is al­so per­mit­ted, in­so­far as tech­ni­cal­ly pos­si­ble and re­ason­ab­ly to be ex­pec­ted, wi­t­hout pro­vi­si­on of such da­ta or by pro­vi­ding an­ony­mi­sed da­ta or a pseud­onym. The use of cont­act da­ta pu­blished in the con­text of the le­gal men­ti­ons or any si­mi­lar con­text, such as pos­tal ad­dres­ses, te­le­pho­ne and fax num­bers or email ad­dres­ses, to send in­for­ma­ti­on that is not ex­press­ly re­ques­ted is not per­mit­ted. The right is ex­press­ly re­ser­ved to ta­ke le­gal steps against the sen­ders of spam emails in the event of in­f­rin­ge­ments of this pro­hi­bi­ti­on.

Le­gal va­li­di­ty of this ex­clu­si­on of lia­bi­li­ty

This ex­clu­si­on of lia­bi­li­ty is to be re­gard­ed as a part of the web­site from which a link and/or re­fe­rence was ma­de to this pa­ge. If parts or in­di­vi­du­al for­mu­la­ti­ons of this text are not, no lon­ger or not com­ple­te­ly in ac­cordance wi­th the ap­pli­ca­ble le­gis­la­ti­on, the re­mai­ning parts of the do­cu­ment re­main un­af­fec­ted in their con­tent and va­li­di­ty.