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Palette Showroom: showcase your skills

Show what you can do wi­th a vir­tu­al ex­hi­bi­ti­on

What can you show po­ten­ti­al cli­ents when they ask about your pre­vious pro­jects? Or may­be even mo­re im­portant­ly: how can you show it? For ex­am­p­le, how are you go­ing to vi­sua­li­se the rooms you’ve de­si­gned? Af­ter all, you don’t get a se­cond chan­ce to make a first im­pres­si­on as a de­si­gner, wha­te­ver sec­tor you’re in. Palette Show­room al­lows you to make an im­pres­si­on and show off your best de­signs wi­th clear, pro­fes­sio­nal-loo­king pre­sen­ta­ti­ons fea­turing the con­tent you need. This helps the con­sul­ta­ti­on pro­cess, and makes your cli­ent’s de­cis­i­on ea­sy.

Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD
Palette Showroom: Räu­me vi­sua­li­sie­ren, vir­tu­el­le Aus­stel­lung

Vi­sua­li­sing rooms – how Palette Show­room works

The co­re Palette CAD soft­ware has a num­ber of add-ons to enhan­ce the de­sign and pro­ject de­li­very pro­cess. Our vir­tu­al show­room, for ex­am­p­le, is the per­fect way to show­ca­se your pro­jects and your busi­ness. And li­ke all Palette CAD pro­ducts, it’s simp­le and in­tui­ti­ve to use.

1) Crea­te con­sul­tant pro­files

In Palette Show­room you can crea­te in­di­vi­du­al pro­files for your con­sul­tants, gi­ving all your staff quick ac­cess to their spe­cia­list are­as and fa­vou­ri­te pro­jects and al­lo­wing them to crea­te dif­fe­rent to­pics for your vir­tu­al dis­plays. An­o­ther plus is the pro­tec­ted “Ki­osk” mo­de, which your cli­ents can use to view the de­signs you’re pro­po­sing for them.

2) Set search fil­ters

What do you want to show your cli­ents: a kit­chen, a bath­room or a be­d­room? Is the ob­ject for a fa­mi­ly or an in­di­vi­du­al, and what bud­get are you working wi­th? The fil­ter helps you find all your re­fe­rence pro­jects using the key­words you’ve set in a mat­ter of mo­ments.

3) Crea­te ex­hi­bits

Turn your de­signs and re­fe­rence pro­jects in­to vir­tu­al ex­hi­bits. Use pho­tos, gra­phics, pan­ora­mas, 360° pho­tos, mo­vies, vir­tu­al rooms and PDFs to show va­rious con­fi­gu­ra­ti­on op­ti­ons for your de­sign.

4) Gi­ve cli­ents ac­cess

Use the Cloud to gi­ve your cli­ents their in­ter­ac­ti­ve pre­sen­ta­ti­ons fea­turing your ex­hi­bits, wi­th other vi­su­al ma­te­ri­al from your sup­pli­ers and part­ners if re­qui­red. And you can al­so send your quo­te over the Cloud if you wish. To use the Cloud, you’ll need an ac­ti­ve Palette CAD li­cence, the month­ly Palette Ser­vice and Palette Cloud. The­se th­ree pro­ducts form the per­fect com­bi­na­ti­on for your cus­to­mers. 

Palette Show­room Pro

Along­side the ba­sic fea­tures, Palette Show­room Pro gi­ves you a lot mo­re func­tion­a­li­ty. Sync your vir­tu­al show­room to your Palette Cloud to make par­ti­cu­lar users or spe­cia­list are­as available on­line or em­bed them in your web­site. Use VR glas­ses to al­low your cli­ents to view and im­mer­se them­sel­ves in your de­signs be­fo­re pro­duc­tion be­g­ins. Cus­to­mi­se the user in­ter­face to su­it your brand and ex­port it to other lo­ca­ti­ons. If that sounds li­ke so­me­thing you might be in­te­res­ted in, get in touch!

Your per­so­na­li­sed Palette CAD quo­te

Dis­co­ver Palette CAD, Palette Show­room and other soft­ware fea­tures wi­th the help of our ex­perts.

Transparent Hintergrund Palette CAD

Your vir­tu­al ex­hi­bi­ti­on - your show­room

Show your skills wi­th your vir­tu­al ex­hi­bi­ti­on! In Palette Show­room you can show your best work re­sults in an im­pres­si­ve way: Pro­fes­sio­nal­ly, cle­ar­ly and wi­th exact­ly the con­tent that is im­portant to you. In the of­fice, mo­bi­le and on your home­page. This makes it ea­sier for you to gi­ve ad­vice, and for your cus­to­mer to make a de­cis­i­on.


Your vir­tu­al ex­hi­bi­ti­on - your show­room

Show your skills wi­th your vir­tu­al ex­hi­bi­ti­on! In Palette Show­room you can show your best work re­sults in an im­pres­si­ve way: Pro­fes­sio­nal­ly, cle­ar­ly and wi­th exact­ly the con­tent that is im­portant to you. In the of­fice, mo­bi­le and on your home­page. This makes it ea­sier for you to gi­ve ad­vice, and for your cus­to­mer to make a de­cis­i­on.

Bad Hintergrund Palette CAD

Make the right im­pres­si­on when­ever you need to wi­th vir­tu­al rea­li­ty

How will the fi­nis­hed room look at the end of the day? For ex­am­p­le, what op­ti­ons are the­re for the va­rious sur­faces? Palette Show­room is the con­ve­ni­ent way for you to show this and much mo­re to your cli­ents, ho­we­ver works best for them and your per­so­nal style: on your lap­top, using your ta­blet or wi­th VR glas­ses.

The most po­pu­lar fea­tures are:

  • Dis­play­ing the vir­tu­al show­room in the Cloud or on your web­site
  • En­te­ring vir­tu­al rooms wi­th VR glas­ses
  • Play­ing slide shows
  • Ad­ding de­scrip­ti­ons
  • Sen­ding quo­tes and pri­ces
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Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Kunden Präsentation Showroom Palette CAD Palette Showroom: Räu­me vi­sua­li­sie­ren, vir­tu­el­le Aus­stel­lung
Transparent Hintergrundbild Palette CAD
Kunden Präsentation Showroom Palette CAD Palette Showroom: Räu­me vi­sua­li­sie­ren, vir­tu­el­le Aus­stel­lung

Make the right im­pres­si­on when­ever you need to wi­th vir­tu­al rea­li­ty

How will the fi­nis­hed room look at the end of the day? For ex­am­p­le, what op­ti­ons are the­re for the va­rious sur­faces? Palette Show­room is the con­ve­ni­ent way for you to show this and much mo­re to your cli­ents, ho­we­ver works best for them and your per­so­nal style: on your lap­top, using your ta­blet or wi­th VR glas­ses.

The most po­pu­lar fea­tures are:

  • Dis­play­ing the vir­tu­al show­room in the Cloud or on your web­site
  • En­te­ring vir­tu­al rooms wi­th VR glas­ses
  • Play­ing slide shows
  • Ad­ding de­scrip­ti­ons
  • Sen­ding quo­tes and pri­ces
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Branchen Visual Badgestaltung

„Palette Showroom is the perfect complement to our on-site exhibition. It enables us to address our customers' questions and preferences with even greater precision during consultations.”

Mike Hechinger Krasselt, Sanitary Operations Manager