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Palette Cloud: Manage Your Data in Seamless Digital Workflows

Palette Cloud: fle­xi­ble and se­cu­re, no mat­ter what hap­pens

Be­cau­se in the 21st cen­tu­ry ever­y­thing has to be available im­me­dia­te­ly, cus­to­mers have be­co­me mo­re and mo­re de­man­ding. You know all too well how stressful this can be – but the­re’s an­o­ther way. Palette Cloud gi­ves you ac­cess to all your de­sign da­ta when­ever and whe­re­ver you need it.
Whe­ther you’re con­sul­ting wi­th your cli­ent at your work­shop, in your of­fice or on their site, an in­ter­net con­nec­tion is all you need to ac­cess your on­go­ing or re­cent pro­jects and the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons you’ve crea­ted. And Palette Cloud gi­ves you the fle­xi­bi­li­ty to work on your pro­jects from the com­fort of your own home.

If cli­ents re­quest ch­an­ges out of the blue, you can im­press them by up­dating your de­sign on the spot and quick­ly ge­ne­ra­ting a pho­to-rea­li­stic si­mu­la­ti­on show­ing the ch­an­ges. If they’re hap­py wi­th the ch­an­ges, you can sim­ply sa­ve the up­dated pro­ject in Palette Cloud.

You can al­so of­fer se­ve­ral dif­fe­rent op­ti­ons for your cli­ents to ex­plo­re if re­qui­red.
Wi­th Palette Cloud, no­ne of your cli­ents’ ide­as or your cle­ver de­signs will be lost.

Cloud Zeichnung Palette CAD
Cloud Screenshot Palette CAD Palette Cloud

Palette Cloud – mo­re free­dom, mo­re se­cu­ri­ty

Palette Cloud lets you shape your own di­gi­tal work­flows from the be­gin­ning to the end of your pro­ject. It al­so gi­ves you mo­re se­cu­ri­ty: our Palette CAD ex­perts crea­te re­gu­lar back­ups, so you can rest assu­red that your da­ta are in good hands.

What you can do wi­th Palette Cloud:

  • Ma­na­ge, sel­ect and se­cu­re your files
  • Share images, vi­de­os, de­signs and pro­jects using ac­cess codes
  • Send de­sign and pro­duc­tion da­ta to part­ner com­pa­nies
  • In­te­gra­te an in­ter­ac­ti­ve vir­tu­al show­room on your web­site
  • Load Show­room ex­hi­bits to the Cloud

Your per­so­na­li­sed Palette CAD quo­te

Dis­co­ver Palette CAD and other soft­ware fea­tures wi­th the help of our ex­perts.

Palette Cloud: keep da­ta se­cu­re and ac­cess them whe­re­ver you are

Palette Cloud is our soft­ware so­lu­ti­on that keeps your pro­ject da­ta se­cu­re and gi­ves you ac­cess to them around the world. So whe­ther you’re working from home, in your of­fice or on your cli­ent’s site for a con­sul­ta­ti­on, you can rest assu­red that your da­ta are stored se­cu­re­ly and are ea­si­ly ac­ces­si­ble, even when ma­king short-no­ti­ce ch­an­ges to your pro­jects.