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Mundle GmbH

Craft­sman­ship that brings the cloud to the buil­ding site

Craft­sman­ship de­li­vers con­cre­te re­sults. So­lid tools, ro­bust ma­te­ri­als and working up a good sweat on the job are what we im­me­dia­te­ly pic­tu­re when we think of the work do­ne by craft­speo­p­le. Di­gi­tal vi­sua­liza­ti­ons and da­ta clouds don’t re­al­ly fit that image. But now, in the third de­ca­de of the 21st cen­tu­ry, di­gi­tal tech­no­lo­gy is well-es­tab­lished in spe­cia­list craft busi­nesses – and by no me­ans just in the ac­counts de­part­ments.

Portrait Gerti Strobel Mundle GmbH

„Customers want to see how spaces will be divided and experience colours and lighting for themselves – and they love it when I can show them all of that so early on.”

Gerti Strobel, bathroom expert

Di­gi­tal so­lu­ti­ons are now a key part of the over­all craft pro­cess, from in­iti­al me­a­su­ring th­rough to ap­p­ly­ing the fi­nis­hing tou­ch­es...

...and much mo­re. In an ide­al world, all the­se di­gi­tal tools will com­mu­ni­ca­te seam­less­ly wi­th each other too and be ac­ces­si­ble when­ever and whe­re­ver you are. “As well as al­lo­wing us to show­ca­se our pro­jects, CAD soft­ware helps us prepa­re to im­ple­ment them too: fit­ters, elec­tri­ci­ans, ti­lers and so on all work wi­th the sa­me re­lia­ble da­ta and de­signs, which makes it ea­sier to coor­di­na­te pro­jects and avo­ids ex­pen­si­ve mi­sun­derstan­dings. And ul­ti­m­ate­ly, di­gi­tal pro­ject do­cu­men­ta­ti­on – which al­lows us to trace and ac­count for all the work we’ve car­ri­ed out, even from ye­ars ago – is part of our qua­li­ty assu­rance”, says de­si­gner Ger­ti Stro­bel from Mund­le GmbH. Her ex­pe­ri­ence has shown that di­gi­tal tech­no­lo­gy makes pro­jects ea­sier, che­a­per and quicker to de­li­ver while in­cre­asing pre­cis­i­on and re­lia­bi­li­ty, which re­sults in a simp­le over­all equa­ti­on of hig­her-qua­li­ty work at lower cos­ts.

From a com­pact wet room to a ful­ly ac­ces­si­ble bathing and well­ness area

The si­tua­ti­on

At first glan­ce, the out­look wasn’t pro­mi­sing: a small, nar­row bath­room in a town­house built in the 1930s which hadn’t had any ma­jor re­no­va­tions sin­ce the 1950s.

The dream

The ow­ners and re­si­dents wan­ted the bath­room to be a ful­ly ac­ces­si­ble space sui­ta­ble for wheel­chair users that would con­vey a sen­se of well-be­ing and have the feel of a well­ness spa, as well as al­lo­wing per­so­nal hy­gie­ne and groo­ming.

The so­lu­ti­on

First, the wall se­pa­ra­ting the bath­room and the ad­ja­cent toi­let was re­mo­ved to make the bath­room big­ger. The old gas hea­ter had be­co­me su­per­fluous af­ter a mo­dern cen­tral hea­ting sys­tem was in­stal­led, and re­mo­ving it crea­ted ad­di­tio­nal room for a spa­cious flo­or-le­vel steam show­er. De­si­gned to be wheel­chair ac­ces­si­ble, the show­er fea­tures a built-in se­at and a shelf for show­er pro­ducts.

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Initial situation small bathroomOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
The customer wanted to turn the bathroom into a fully accessible wellness
Palette CAD Screenshot fully accessible bathroomOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Manufacturers’ catalogues offer fully accessible objects
Palette CAD Screenshot fully accessible bathroomOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
Sharing technical data simplifies coordination between the specialists
High-end photo-realistic rendering helps visualize the final resultOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
High-end photo-realistic rendering helps visualize the final result
Project realization reference customer Mundle GmbHOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
The new bathroom has an inviting sense of wellbeing
Project realization reference customer Mundle GmbHOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
It’s also an extremely intelligent space that meets the requirements...
Project realization reference customer Mundle GmbHOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
...of users with restricted mobility, as requested by the residents
Project realization reference customer Mundle GmbHOpen fullscreenClose fullscreen
The combined shower and toilet can be accessed with a wheelchair
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Initial situation small bathroom
Palette CAD Screenshot fully accessible bathroom
Palette CAD Screenshot fully accessible bathroom
High-end photo-realistic rendering helps visualize the final result
Project realization reference customer Mundle GmbH
Project realization reference customer Mundle GmbH
Project realization reference customer Mundle GmbH
Project realization reference customer Mundle GmbH
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„CAD soft­ware of­ten avo­ids ex­pen­si­ve mi­sun­derstan­dings.”


Gerti Strobel, Mundle GmbH
Photo-realistic visualizations enable planners to present the new bathroom to their customers even before production.

CAD soft­ware helps cus­to­mers vi­sua­li­ze the end re­sult

It’s ea­sier to win over cus­to­mers when they have a bet­ter pic­tu­re in their head of the fi­nal de­sign, and the risk of mi­sun­derstan­dings is eli­mi­na­ted at an ear­ly stage. As Stro­bel con­firms from her ex­pe­ri­ence: “15 ye­ars go, high-qua­li­ty hand dra­wings we­re still es­sen­ti­al for me as a bath­room de­si­gner. But if cus­to­mers wan­ted me to ch­an­ge things, they had to wait for me to pro­du­ce new dra­wings – which was frus­t­ra­ting for bo­th par­ties. Now I can crea­te im­pres­si­ve, pho­to-rea­li­stic 3D vi­sua­liza­ti­ons, and if I need to make any ad­jus­t­ments, a few clicks is all it ta­kes. That’s a win for ever­yo­ne!”

Wri­te your own suc­cess sto­ry

We’re on hand to show you how Palette CAD can trans­form the way you work. Cont­act us to­day to ar­ran­ge a per­so­nal con­sul­ta­ti­on.